Blue Sun
the work of josh seligman

Welcome to a new space dedicated to new ideas about painting and energy. My name is Joshua and I thank my buddy Priscilla Grim for getting me to this place. Viva Art!

Don't know where to begin? I have been painting for 14 years out of college and these are my latest creations. I was searching for a new style in the beginning of 2005 and got interested in line drawings. You see, I had been fascinated by circles and suns for years. I loved all those paintings but now I was ready for something new.

I had a sketch pad and started doodling. The lines were scribbles that turned into symbols which turned in variations of circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles. And so it began...
Page after page started pouring out of me until it was time to start painting. I love ancient cultures and have wondered about hieroglyphs and how they came to be. Now I had my own set of symbols which could turn into an alphabet! I almost passed out with this realization but kept drawing and produced 12 paintings over a 6 month period.

The first 3 are of my Cosmic Alphabet and the Sun painting is from my style before. I will talk about my Sun paintings later. As of now the symbols are gibberish but are silly and playful. Art needs to be fun in my book and I hope you feel that way too! I am a native Philadelphian and lived in NYC and New Mexico for a while so my art is a fusion of East Coast and Southwestern Styles. Some people say it looks Native American and that is great! I love them too...Like I said I love ancient cultures and how they communicated and used images in their life, now I would like to create my own language to present ideas.

Until next week....

Viva Art!

Paintings contact for sale: jmseligman (A)

posted at 3:06 PM

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