Blue Sun
the work of josh seligman

Dear Peoples of the USA,

Had wonderful travels to Philadelphia and New York City for Thanksgiving and Madison, WI for Christmas. Saw how quickly the country is changing between RED and BLUE! Turning into different worlds and all I could say was, WOW... the country is really SPLITTING!
It is SAD days for democracy in OHIO. The past 2 months have been devistating. Don't know who or what is pushing the STATE to go fascist. In November the election kept cronyism and corruption in place even with Gov. Taft being caught in the 13 Million dollar scandal and then the law past to have an I.D. to VOTE! Christmas week there was a law that would have given the police too much power. When I heard on the pop station that the STATE tried to pass a law that would require citizens I.D. or papers, if suspected of Terrorism or any crime, would be arrested and imprisoned, if vital statistics weren't current. Now what country am I living in!!!! It got knocked down and were told they were going too far, but the fact that that law was voted on in the state legislature makes me sick. I am frightened for our future and will be moving to a BLUE STATE in the near future. What if the law passes next time!

Democracy and Art for the Future,


posted at 12:55 PM

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