Blue Sun
the work of josh seligman

"Light Alphabet"
Acrylic on Canvas 14" x 18"
Welcome to the New Age everyone! This is the beginning of balance, between the light and the dark forces of nature. Plus, it just looks really cool too. This was my project last week to give everyone a clear image of the letters to decifer from. I wasn't going to leave you hanging. Oh, it glows a bit because I used silver paint with white to make it luminescent in the light.
These symbols are derived from the circle, square, rectangle, and triangle. They flew out of me on my return trip from Philadelphia and New York City. Actually, I thank the Manhattan Bridge for a moment of realization before plummeting back down into Brooklyn. The images came to me on the Pennsylvania Turnpike though. You would never think, huh? But remember this is all from Native American Lands. Whether it be city, country, or mountains, etc... I like to combine the modern or abstract with history. Guess, it would be like Goa music, techno with ancient Hindu chants. Instead, it is ancient hieroglyphs with modern Art, my own brand. Then I'd like to thank Columbus for being my incubator and place to produce this Art. A lot of time was spent on my couch has also helped me work through the problem solving for this project while I worked in my sketch book. So now it is time to enjoy the "Language of Light" and let's move into a different space, one of no biases and balance out! Until next time.
Peace and Energy,
Joshua 2006

posted at 12:50 PM

Interesting combination of old and new. Now combine it with some native American language and a popular phrase and you have another canvas.
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