Blue Sun
the work of josh seligman

Suprise! I do house painting too... Here is my latest creation. I was asked by a couple to turn their breakfast nook into a chapel/spiritual space for their home. They wanted arches of some sort and a mediterranean feeling. Here is what I came up with. Took the blue and white colors which are very popular in that part of the world and adapted a medallion symbol from The Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy. It came out better than I thought and the 3D effect for this very small room 6Ft x 7Ft, made it much more comfortable to enter. Needless to say the couple was thrilled and paid in full upon completion. This was produced over the Labor Day weekend and it made me laugh a little because I had just worked on the Pieta a few days earlier. I felt I must had needed to be in Church that week. is mysterious.

-Joshua 2006

posted at 12:42 PM

Wow- I wanna move in!
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