Blue Sun
the work of josh seligman

My favorite photo by Gary Harper in that shoot.

Coincidences is what I call this one. Have been painting away and super busy with life in general and looked around to see Go! all around me. The Go! paintings are a cultural phenomena. What is the U.S. about, Go, Go, Go! Being born and raised here, I feel we are always running around from the minute we wake up in the morning until we go to sleep at night. That is the background idea for my Go! Paintings because I end them with a pause button symbol.
What is also funny is I have a Go phone from cingular, listen to OK Go for music, and read Go Riverwalk out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL. There is even a Go store at the Polaris Mall and sometimes I wear my pair of Go Softwear underwear. So many things in the America are To Go and wanted to capture that feeling of movement. In my paintings, I wanted to use line and symbols to represent a day, week, month, year, or someones life from their waking breath in the morning until the end of their day or lifetime. The paintings constantly go through life and death as a symbol for changes we make in our lives or are made for us. I like to poke fun at lifes contradictions and just play! There is a certain freedom in not taking life too seriously. I should talk, that was the hardest lesson for myself to learn....

-Joshua 2007

posted at 10:42 PM

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